lunes, 24 de enero de 2022

#24 Flickering Mind (Denise Levertov)

El poema de hoy entra en la conversación que ayer iniciaba Carlos Pujol. En el poema de ayer la distracción era una forma de soledad, hoy es una forma de ausencia. En ambos, la pobreza humana se topa con la riqueza divina—"the unchanging presence" tiene "tesoros de tiempo en los bolsillos"—y se siente la urgencia de por fin encontrar el zafiro, de no dejar que escapar lo único importante entre las oleadas del día. (Cf. A Prayer, Marie Howe)

Denise Levertov con Wendell Berry y Thomas Merton


Lord, not you,

it is I who am absent.

At first

belief was a joy I kept in secret,

stealing alone

into sacred places:

a quick glance, and away—and back,


I have long since uttered your name

but now

I elude your presence.

I stop

to think about you, and my mind

at once

like a minnow darts away,  


into the shadows, into gleams that fret

unceasing over

the river's purling and passing.

Not for one second

will my self hold still, but wanders


everywhere it can turn.  Not you,

it is I am absent.

You are the stream, the fish, the light,

the pulsing shadow.

You the unchanging presence, in whom all

moves and changes.

How can I focus my flickering, perceive

at the fountain's heart

the sapphire I know is there?

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