viernes, 29 de julio de 2022

#210 Self-portrait with Rembrandt Self-portrait (C. K. Williams)

 Me acuerdo una conversación con una amiga que hablaba de la diferencia en los ojos de los autorretratos de Rembrandt y Gauguin. Es más fácil perderse en los ojos de Rembrandt, sentirse interpelado, incluso desear un alma un poco más pura.



I put my face inches from his

and look into his eyes

which look back,

but whatever it is

so much beyond suffering

I long towards in his gaze

and imagine inhabiting mine

eludes me. 

I put my face inches from his

face palette-knifed nearly raw,

scraped down to whatever it is

that denies flesh yet is flesh

but whatever it is

which still so exalts flesh,

even flesh scraped nearly raw,

eludes me. 

My face inches from his

face neither frowning

nor smiling nor susceptible
any longer to any expression

but this watch, this regard;

whatever it is

I might keep of any of that

eludes me. 

My face inches from his,

his inches from mine,

whatever it is beyond

dying and fear of dying,

whatever it is beyond solace

which remains solace

eludes me,

yet no longer eludes me.

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